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This recipes allow for quickly adding a system to your Drupal site for managing and displaying events. This includes common requirements like a checkbox for all day events, natural language output of date ranges, and more. With just a little additional configuration, your site can also manage timezones per event, use recurring events, and more.

Event display can also be extended by using one or more plugins compatible with the Date Augmenter API, for example to include add-to-calendar links to to adopt Associated Press style rules.

Previously this namespace was used for a distribution aimed to help in organizing various conferences, camps, clubs and events in general (hence the name, Events!). It could be used for various Drupal events like Cons and BarCamps but is not limited to Drupal or IT events, you may use it wherever you may find it usable. Similar functionality can now be found in the Event Platform project.

The capabilities provided by this recipe can also be extended using the following recipes:

  • Events Recurring - Updates your event content type to manage and display recurring dates
  • Events Calendar - Adds a view to display events in a calendar view, currently based on Fullcalendar View
  • Events Locations - Applies the Locations recipe which adds a content type (with geocoding from an address and a Leaflet-based map view) and then adds a reference field to the Events content type
  • Events Registration - Installs the Entity Registration module and then creates a basic setup for Events to allow for registration that is fieldable, for easy customization