Anyone who has ever gone through the process of trying to maximize their site's Lighthouse or PageSpeed Insights score will have seen suggestions to increase the cache lifetime of static assets: at least 1 year for assets like images and fonts, and at least 1 month for assets like CSS and Javascript files.
This module adds a new field, widget and formatter, which allows .svg
file extension to be uploaded.
When using media to add images to content, having media view modes defined by aspect ratio, combined with a bunch of different image styles for the images in that specific aspect ratio seems to solve the responsive images problem in a pretty easy way.
Your site speed is a crucial element of good UX, and an important part of technical SEO efforts. We often think of optimizing Drupal's speed in terms of accelerating the page rendering, but often the speed of Drupal sites is hurt even more by requiring visitors to download much bigger image files than are truly necessary.
Thanks to the generous amount of time available, we also took a hands-on look at some recent functionality added to the Event Platform, driving new capabilities in Smart Date and other modules.
When we think about how to make a Drupal website load faster, we often focus on how to make Drupal render the pages faster: optimizing queries, caching entities, and so on. But out of the box Drupal has several layers of caching enabled by default, and many popular Drupal hosts have additional systems in place like memcached and Varnish to further enhance the overall page load. In practice, the load of the page itself is often a small fraction of the overall time and data needed for a visitor to view a page.
Performs static site analysis to generate a detailed report with actionable best practice recommendations across a variety of concerns, including security, performance, database size and complexity, and more.
[This content was originally published in the Digital Echidna Blog on August 6, 2019]
In the previous installment, I talked conceptually about how to approach testing and what we are trying to learn. This time we’re going to get our hands dirty and start collecting data.